Many women have such a question, why every time just bought back underwear not long, lingerie belt began to deformation! What is the relationship with that?

The methods of storage and washing are:
1. Underwear is close to the body of clothing, first of all to pay attention to clean. Dirt not only means not clean, but also affect the fabric ventilation, moisture absorption and softness, and thus damage to the fabric.

2. In the purchase, if you like to buy a little more underwear, alternating use, the life of each underwear can be longer. High-level or high-priced products are sometimes beautiful and not durable, careful care can maintain its advantages.

3. Underwear materials are mostly thin and thin, wear and take off when not too hard, but also pay attention to nails can not hook fiber. Wear off the underwear also pay attention not to foundation, lipstick dip in the underwear on top.

4. long time to save the collection of underwear, you can put them a piece of carefully stacked, or cups and cups fold each other, as long as you do not destroy the original chest can be. Lining the thickness of the above, in order to bend down to prevent the thick lining of the underwear due to pressure and deformation, thin lining of the underwear is no deformation concerns.