Dear Jean Jean: My husband likes to wear underwear. I have to say that sex is great when he wears it. At first it was just underwear. But recently he wore bras and garters in stockings and occasionally in pajamas. As I mentioned, sex is crazy, so although I am very happy to see men I like to wear underwear, this trade-off is worth it. He swears that he is not gay and will love me forever. But how normal is this superstition? It has reached this level, unless he wears at least a bra and underwear, he can’t show it. To be honest, he is doing better now than I am. -Mrs. Unmentionables

Mrs. Winnie, Dear: You ask, “How normal?” No one knows. But I guess this number will shock the researchers’ pants. Oops, if we only looked at the Ask E. Jean letter for 25 years, we will see evidence of a lot of straight men wearing underwear. In fact, because love is so “crazy,” I want to know if I should tell women who complain to their aunts about their lack of firepower and “borrowing your underwear”!