When it comes to the first cotton coat for the winter, there is a wide variety of materials. Some of them are developed especially for the cold, others are combined to heat more. Both the composition of the fabrics and the way the threads are interwoven give important characteristics to the pieces. This will determine your heating capacity.

Thus, it is important to observe the composition of the fabrics for winter (looking for fibers that hinder heat exchange with the environment), the thickness and the space between the threads, which will be responsible for spreading the wind.

For all these reasons, it is essential to know the fabrics of winter garments. With this knowledge you will know how to choose the most suitable parts for the cold and you will not be caught by surprise while being cold during your trip.

The characteristics of the cotton coat

Cotton is a fabric with 100% cotton in its composition. Some factories work with a small percentage of elastane to add elasticity to the fabric and polyester to fix dyes. That is, although its name refers to the English equivalent for “cotton”, it can be a mixture of fibers. Therefore, before making the purchase, it is necessary to carefully check the composition of the fabrics.

The cotton must go through normal washing, with temperature indicated for clothes of intense color worked in mixtures. It must not be bleached, dry-cleaned or drum-dried. Another important precaution is not to iron it with a very hot iron (equivalent to 230 degrees Fahrenheit). It is also not recommended to use steam at this stage.

The benefits of choosing cotton

Cotton has the property of being hypoallergenic, does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies to those that are sensitive, especially in the organic version. It also does not cause static electricity and, therefore, it is the most accepted fiber for the production of used items closer to the body, such as underwear and T-shirts. In addition, cotton allows air to circulate, discouraging the growth of fungi and bacteria in moist areas of the body and improving the thermal sensation.

Generally, cotton coats last longer, are more resistant to washing and ironing. The piece made of cotton, therefore, has a superior quality, as well as a desirable finish and touch.

Cotton x polyester

To make good choices, it is essential to observe the label at the time of purchase. It is necessary to look at the composition of the piece and also, see, what are the necessary precautions when washing it, ironing it. Every outfit must contain this information.

That way, you choose a piece that meets your goals. For example, if your idea is to invest in a piece to take on a specific trip, polyester may be a good option. But if you are looking for a piece with greater durability, for example, to work, cotton coat is the best bet.